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Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering

Master Thesis


The diploma thesis understood as a work is a monographic study in written form, according to the established topic. In addition, made models, graphic designs, prototypes, computer programs, etc., are an integral part of the diploma thesis. The completed diploma thesis is subject to copyright. Realization of the diploma thesis is accompanied by the course Diploma Seminar.


Diploma thesis topics are submitted by authorized faculty members in the ADF system. Recruitment of topics for a given academic year is carried out on a continuous basis, but no later than the end of June for topics submitted for the winter semester and the end of January for topics submitted for the summer semester. In particularly justified cases (e.g., related to research work carried out under grants and commissions from industry), it is permissible for instructors to submit a supplementary offer of topics in the first week of the semester - after consulting with the chairman of the program committee.
Students can review topics and contact the teaching staff member submitting the topic for cooperation. Applications for approval of diploma thesis topics submitted in a timely manner, after the student is assigned to them, are forwarded to the directional program committees for substantive evaluation. Applications are evaluated in terms of the compatibility of the subject matter and the language of the diploma thesis with the student's field of study and specialty, and approved after a positive opinion .
Before the beginning of the semester, the supervisor or the diplomat delivers to the dean's office a signed declaration to proceed with the diploma thesis, which is a confirmation of the diplomat's choice of topic. On this basis, the diplomat is administratively enrolled in the Master thesis.
The diploma thesis for studies conducted in English shall be prepared in the language of instruction (English). The diploma thesis in the course of study conducted in Polish, at the request of the student addressed at the beginning of the semester to the Vice-Dean for Education, may be prepared in a foreign language. The condition for a positive decision in such a case is the simultaneous consent of the thesis supervisor.



The work should contain independent solutions to an engineering problem in the field of general and specialized knowledge acquired at the given field and level of study. The solved problem should be of a technical nature. The emphasis should be on technological, structural, operational, traffic, experimental and metrological aspects.


‑ study part presenting a description of knowledge and technical solutions from the scope of the subject matter covered,
‑ Theoretical and computational part including analytical aspects,
‑ The project/experimental part, i.e., practically executed project, computer program, report on the research conducted.


‑ A study of the topic, a description of the field, the scope of the project, the purpose of the work,
‑ Refinement of data, establishment of design conditions, inventory of current state, adoption of values of input variables: temperatures, pressures, fluxes, etc..,
‑ Selection of circulating factors, heat transfer media, intermediary factors,
‑ Selection of analysis methods, research methods algorithms and computational models,
‑ Selection of computer programs for calculations,
‑ Establishing a solution concept,
‑ Design of machine, equipment, system: thermodynamic calculations of circuits; thermal and flow calculations of apparatus, exchangers, compressors, pumps, fans, etc.
‑ selection from industry catalogs and manufacturers of components of the designed system,
‑ Catalog selection of accessories and auxiliary fittings,
‑ Preparation of project documentation,
‑ comments and final conclusions on the work carried out and the designed solution.


‑ A description of the field, the phenomenon, process, machine under study; a description of the properties under study,
‑ purpose, scope of research
‑ Justification for the selection of input and output variables,
‑ Description, design, conception of the test bed/test facility,
‑ Description and analysis of the test apparatus of the apparatus for recording the results,
‑ Research plan, research methodology, methods of recording, archiving, comparing experimental data,
‑ presentation of results,
‑ conclusions, recommendations resulting from the experiment.



The work should demonstrate:
- In-depth knowledge of basic theoretical, design, experimental knowledge in the field;
- The ability to independently solve complex engineering and scientific tasks using general and specialized knowledge as well as experimental methods;
- Use of mathematical methods, simulation, planning and mathematical processing of experimental results, analysis of measurement errors, mastery and use of specialized computer software.
The problem solved should be of a technical, analytical and numerical nature. It is necessary to include in the work the results of independent calculations, research or theoretical analyses and comparisons.
The design/experimental work should include research, technological, economic, operational, traffic (if any) aspects. The practical result of the diploma thesis should be the design of the device, the results of the experimental work, comparative analysis, optimization analysis, software, etc.
The study-analytical work should always have the character of technical analysis: comparative, analytical-computational, analytical-numerical and be related to the modeling of the process, phenomenon, optimization. It can be a technical expertise of the solution made on the basis of the adopted algorithm of procedure.


‑ study part/analysis of the subject literature,
‑ conceptual and analytical part,
‑ design/experimental part,
‑ Presentation of results and their analysis,
‑ conclusions.


‑ A study of the topic, the purpose of the work, a description of the field, the scope of the project, a study of modern solutions, contemporary technologies, materials, media; instrumentation,
‑ Refinement of assumptions, collection of data; balances of heat, mass, energy; inventory of current state; adoption and justification of values of variables: temperatures, pressures, fluxes, etc..,
‑ Justification of the choice of circulating factors, heat carriers; justification of the adopted methods of analysis, research methods of calculation algorithms; justification of the choice of computer programs for analysis,
‑ Establishing the solution concept - optional solutions,
‑ Design of machine, equipment: thermodynamic calculations of circuits; thermal and flow calculations of apparatus, exchangers, compressors, pumps, fans,
‑ selection from industry catalogs and manufacturers of components of the designed system, fittings and auxiliary fittings,
‑ Preparation of project documentation,
‑ comments and final conclusions on the work carried out and the designed solution.


‑ Description of the phenomenon, process, machine under study; description of the properties under study,
‑ purpose and scope of the study,
‑ Justification for the selection of input and output variables,
‑ Description, design, concept of the test bed,
‑ Description and analysis of research apparatus, registration, computer support of experimental work (relevant description of computer programs used),
‑ Research plan (theories of experiment planning),
‑ research methodology-justification for choice,
‑ Description of the method of recording, archiving, comparing experimental data,
‑ Presentation of results, comparative analysis, error analysis,
‑ conclusions, recommendations.


‑ The rationale for undertaking the study topic,
‑ A study of the topic, a description of the field and the scope of the study analysis,
‑ Study of modern solutions, description of modern technologies; materials used, carriers, apparatus, instrumentation,
‑ Justification of the adopted methods of analysis, research methods, algorithms and calculation models, justification of the choice of computer programs used in the analyses,
‑ Performing computational, numerical, optimization, technical and economic analysis,
‑ comments and final conclusions on the work carried out and the solution analyzed,
‑ Evaluation and economic analysis of the solution,
‑ if the subject requires it - a comparative analysis with other technical solutions to this issue, found in the literature.


Editorial recommendations applicable to the preparation of the diploma thesis are included in Appendix 1 to this Procedure


The diploma thesis, understood as a work, is reviewed and evaluated in writing, independently by the supervisor and the reviewer. The diploma thesis should demonstrate that the graduate has mastered the educational content of the program of study and can prove this by independently solving the problem formulated in the diploma thesis topic. The opinions of the diploma thesis supervisor and reviewer should include statements emphasizing this fact. From the point of view of the didactic process, the object of evaluation should be primarily the methodical and/or technological correctness of the diplomat's activities. The diploma thesis should give the diplomat the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge, intellectual potential and workshop, with particular emphasis on the ability to solve problems independently and use sources. In this sense, the topic of the diploma thesis should not be of decisive importance. Controversial topics should not be avoided, and a negative result of the diploma thesis (e.g., rejection of the research hypothesis, demonstration of the unsuitability of the method, faulty design assumptions, etc.) should not prejudge its negative evaluation.


Before the diploma thesis is evaluated, it must undergo the procedure of verification by the Unified Anti-Plagiarism System (JSA), in accordance with the current Rector's Internal Order on the procedure of verification of undergraduate, engineering and master's theses by the University Anti-Plagiarism System.


In matters not regulated by this procedure, the Regulations for degree programmes at Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the Internal Order on ordering, commissioning and assigning of didactic classes and settlement of teaching salary shall apply.

You may check the available subjects of diploma dissertations at the website: APD.

- APD instruction

Until the 10th working day of third semester you are obliged to bring to the Dean’s office a declaration concerning accession to a diploma dissertation signed together with the supervisor.

The diploma examination is conducted after receiving the last credit specified in the programme of education, including crediting the ‘diploma dissertation’ course, after submitting the diploma dissertation understood as a work in mode described in § 35 it. 12 of the Regulations governing higher education studies at Wrocław University of Science and Technology, on a date set by the Dean.

A student shall be admitted to the diploma examination if he/she fulfills all of the requirements as follows:

  1.  A student completed all of the courses from the programme of education - 90 ECTS points at II-level studies. It is to be desired for the student to check much sooner, if he/she has passed all of the courses, because any arrears might be the reason for suspending the whole procedure.
  2.  A student is to check if grades/credits from courses he/she has completed during the last semester have been entered do the USOSweb system by the Supervisor of the course.
  3. Graduating students who attend outstanding courses which end with an exam, should agree on with the Examiners and set earlier dates of these exams.
  4. A student should remember about settling the courses, which he/she has completed additionally outside the programme of education, and which have to be passed no matter if a student obtained the required number of ECTS points or not.

Before submitting the documents:

  1. Pay a fee for issuing additional copies of the diploma / supplement in English or/and German - the amount of the fee can be checked on the applications for issuing these documents
  2. Read the Procedure for the organisation of on-campus diploma examinationsProcedure for the organisation of remote diploma examinations 
  3. Print and fill in the checklist (there are document templates for download below)

Documents required:
• a copy of a diploma dissertation in loose, numbered pages, printed on both sides taking into account a proper title page (title page model for CAERSE)

• a grade from the diploma dissertation given by the supervisor (printed by the supervisor from the APD system)

• a grade from the diploma dissertation given by the reviewer (printed by the reviewer from the APD system)

• student’s declaration stating no input of third parties (understood as persons, publications and works in general) in completion of his/her diploma dissertation (obligatory printed form from the APD system)

• declaration concerning making the diploma dissertation accessible

• JSA General Report (obligatory printed form from the APD system) signed by the supervisor of the diploma dissertation)

• application form for a set of dyploma documents (apply for set of diploma in USOSweb system)

Graduate may receive an additional copy of his/her diploma in English or/and German only after submitting a written application form. For more information (application form and payment) please contact Mrs Agnieszka Tarchala (

• form concerning participation in a poll about professional career of graduates of WUST – according to the Internal Ordinance 39/2012, the form is available at the Career Office website (you should fill in your personal data, tick if you agree or no to take part in a poll, print the form and sign it - if consent deliver 2 pcs.

The  diploma thesis, the hierarchical structure of the thesis content should be followed by distinguishing such elements as: chapter, subchapter, point, sub-point, etc. The principle should be followed that each of the mentioned parts / chapter of the work must be a continuation of the previous one, and at the same time, should constitute the foundation for subsequent parts / chapters work.

When writing the diploma thesis, the following editorial recommendations should be followed:

Structural layout of work:

- title page (according to the template provided: CAE, RSE)

- abstract of the work (up to 2 A4 pages) in Polish and in English

- Table of Contents

- substantive content of the work:

a) justification of the choice of the topic of the work, preceded by a short description of the subject,
b) the purpose and scope of the work,
c) the content of the work divided into chapters and subchapters,
d) summary / conclusions and final comments referring to the purpose and scope of the work,
e) literature - a numbered list of sources in alphabetical order by authors or in the order of citation in the text

  1. Margins: top, bottom, left, right - 25 mm
  2. Chapter titles: Times New Roman 16 pt, bold
  3. Subsection titles: Times New Roman 14 pt, bold capitals
  4. Possible second and subsequent row subchapters: Times New Roman 12 pt bold
  5. The font of the text: Times New Roman 12 pt
  6. Single-line justified text
  7. Numbered tables (with the possibility of two-step numbering, eg Table 2.1. Where the first digit is the chapter number, and the second digit is the sequential number of the table in this chapter); the title of the table centrally above the table, 12 points space from the main text above and below the table, along with the title
  8. Numbered drawings (with the possibility of two-stage numbering, e.g. Fig. 2.1., Where the first digit stands for the chapter number, and the second is the subsequent figure number in this chapter), captions centrally under the figures, 12 points space from the main text above and below the figure, along with signature
  9. Mathematical and physical equations placed centrally, numbering in brackets (...) aligned to the right margin; two-step numbering rules are the same as in the case of tables and figures
  10. Literature sources (including internet addresses) collected in the form of a numbered list, referred to in the text by placing the item number from the list in brackets [...]
  11. All tables, figures and literature sources included in the work must be referred to in the text of the work
  12. Duplex (black and white or color) with page numbering
  13. Due to archiving requirements, a copy of the thesis (loose, unbuttoned pages) should be submitted in a folder taken from the Dean's Office

Students defending their master's thesis from the Summer Semester 2021/2022 receiving a supplement from the Dean's Office.

The diploma should be collected from the education department, link to information below:

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