Wydział Mechaniczno-Energetyczny

Oferta pracy w projekcie

Data: 13.06.2023 Kategoria: Oferty pracy w projektach

Post – doc w projekcie

Jednostka: Wydział Mechaniczno – Energetyczny

Miejsce pracy: Wrocław

Wymiar etatu: umowa o pracę

Termin składania dokumentów: 14.06.2023 – 30.06.2023

Planowany termin zatrudnienia: 1.08.2023

Opis stanowiska:

The person selected in this competition will participate in research and development tasks carried out in the project entitled “Studies on the influence of the formation and evolution of micro-vortices on the intensification of heat transfer during a periodic disruption of the thermal boundary layer” funded by the National Science Centre of Poland within OPUS 22 programme (Proposal Number: 2021/41/B/ST8/03533). The project, led by prof. Sławomir Pietrowicz, is to experimentally observe macro flow structures around the rotating blade (scraper) and microvortices in the gap between the scraper tip and the heat exchange wall and numerical validation of proposed mathematical model of the phenomena.


Post-Doc will be responsible for carrying out the numerical simulations and performing experiments on the test stand.

  • Experience user of CFD software (Ansys Fluent, OpenFOAM).
  • Experience in heat transfer measurements.
  • Validation of the proposed thermal-flow models,
  • participation in dissemination of the project (conferences presentations, co- and single- author academic papers, website materials).


Requirements for the candidate:

  • A PhD in mechanical engineering, mathematics, or other related field with broad skills in heat transfer measurement techniques (must be less than 7 years since awarding of Ph.D.)
  • Good command of spoken and written English
  • Experience in the preparation of scientific reports and publications in English
  • Operate software for numerical analysis of thermal-fluid processes, CFD software such as OpenFOAM will be preferred, ANSYS package (ICEM, Fluent, CFX) will be an additional advantage
  • Experience in working on scientific and research projects will be an additional advantage

Wymagane dokumenty:

  • CV including: academic history, research skills, title of the PhD dissertation*
  • Motivation letter expressing interest in the offered position
  • List of publications (track record)
  • Copy of the doctoral degree diploma or declaration of PhD defence before November 2022
  • Contact (e-mail) to two academic/work referees
  • EU General Data Protection Regulation) statement attached to this announcement.

  *Note that if a candidate is from outside EU the PhD dissertation has to be written in English tobe accepted 

Informacje dodatkowe:

Typ konkursu: NCN: OPUS 22

Termin składania ofert: 30.06.2023

Warunki zatrudnienia:

Applications should be sent to slawomir.pietrowicz@pwr.edu.pl with note “postdoc OPUS 22” in the email title.

Detailed informal information can be obtained directly from the project leader: slawomir.pietrowicz@pwr.edu.pl

Shortlisted applicants will be contacted to arrange an online interview.


Oferujemy: Full employment contract initially for a maximum of 46 months (from November 2022).

Monthly salary is  10 000 PLN  (double gross, it would be the subject of taxes, social and health insurances and other legal deductions according to Polish law).


Zainteresowanych proszę również o podpisanie klauzuli RODO.

Pliki do pobrania

klauzula_rodo.pdf [ .pdf 119.07 KB ]


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