dr hab. inż. Sabina Rosiek-Pawłowska
I obtained my Master’s degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST, Poland) in 2005; this was completed with a Leonardo da Vinci scholarship at the University of Almería (UAL, Spain). Afterwards, I completed a Master’s degree in Solar Energy at the UAL to widen my knowledge of renewable energy systems. In 2006, I started my doctorate studies in the Applied Physics Department at the UAL and Solar Energy Research Center (CIESOL), obtaining my PhD degree in 2011. The research carried out at that time focused on developing a methodology for optimizing a solar-assisted air-conditioning system using an artificial neural network (one of the first and most promising systems of this type worldwide). After obtaining the Doctorate degree, I continued my research activity up until July 2019 as a Postdoctoral Researcher at CIESOL as part of a scholarship awarded from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant. This work has fascinated me and has led me to present innovating research concepts related to state-of-the-art renewable energy solutions linked to sustainable development, societal trends and technology. This work has been carried out as part of two successfully awarded European grants: “THERBIOR” and “PCMSOL”. During my 15 years of work experience as a researcher at CIESOL, I had the chance to collaborate with researchers who possess diverse competencies in physics, control engineering, electronics, chemistry, and mechanics – this resulted in me contracting the interdisciplinary bug! In October 2019, I was awarded the Polish Return Programme from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. Thanks to this programme, I was given the opportunity to establish my own research group. Since then, we have been carrying out independent research, which involves the simulation, development, and implementation of a novel radiative water mattress to be used in dairy cattle.